차형준 공저 논문
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Interconnected ruthenium dioxide nanoparticles anchored on graphite oxide: Highly efficient candidate for solvent-free oxidative synthesis of imines Yuan G, Gopiraman M, Cha HJ, Soo HD, Chung IM, Kim IS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 46, 279, 2017 |
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아카시아 수피를 이용한 카드뮴 이온의 제거 최석순, 김민지, 차형준 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(3), 330, 2016 |
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부영양화 방지를 위하여 느릅나무 수피를 활용한 수중에서 질산성질소의 제거능 향상 최석순, 최정훈, 김민지, 이영석, 하정협, 차형준 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 26(5), 604, 2015 |
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A comparative study on antibody immobilization strategies onto solid surface Lee JE, Seo JH, Kim CS, Kwon Y, Ha JH, Choi SS, Cha HJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(10), 1934, 2013 |
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Recent progress in hydrogenase and its biotechnological application for viable hydrogen technology Kim JYH, Cha HJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(1), 1, 2013 |
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Phosphate Binding Protein이 세포질에 발현된 재조합 박테리아를 이용한 인 제거 최석순, 하정협, 차형준 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 24(5), 558, 2013 |
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Expression of redesigned mussel silk-like protein in Escherichia coli Yang YJ, Choi YS, Jung D, Cha HJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(8), 1744, 2011 |
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재조합 생촉매를 이용한 Diazinon 제거 최석순, 서상환, 강동균, 차형준, 권인찬 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 22(5), 486, 2011 |
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Removal of neurotoxic ethyl parathion pesticide by two-stage chemical/enzymatic treatment system using Fenton’s reagent and organophosphorous hydrolase Choi SS, Seo SH, Kang DG, Ha JH, Cha HJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 900, 2010 |
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껍질 형태의 과일폐기물과 하수슬러지를 이용한 회분식 혐기 소화공정에서 메탄 생산 정태영, 이종학, 정형근, 차형준, 최석순 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), 542, 2009 |
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Efficient cell surface display of organophosphorous hydrolase using N-terminal domain of ice nucleation protein in Escherichia coli Kang DG, Li L, Ha JH, Choi SS, Cha HJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(4), 804, 2008 |
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Enhancement of secreted production of glucoamylase through fed-batch bioreactor culture of recombinant yeast harboring glucose-controllable SUC2 promoter Cha HJ, Kim KR, Hwang BH, Ahn DH, Yoo YJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(5), 812, 2007 |
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Correlation analysis for non-invasive quantitative monitoring of biological activity of recombinant enzyme using green fluorescence protein in Escherichia coli under various culture environments Yoo HJ, Seo JH, Kang DG, Cha HJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(1), 99, 2007 |
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초파리 S2 세포 시스템에서 녹색형광단백질 생산을 위한 재조합 배큘로바이러스의 감염조건들의 영향 조혜숙, 김연규, 김경로, 차형준 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 44(1), 40, 2006 |